Saturday, June 19, 2010

What Life Is Meant To Be

Some would say I'm blindly optimistic because I believe there is good in all people... but that some have just forgotten how to show it. I tend to care too deeply, about everything. but I've come to realize that maybe that’s not such a bad thing, and that sometimes, people need someone in their life to care too deeply.
I don’t believe in taking the "easy way out." Life is meant to be difficult, confusing and messy... but the trick is to find the beauty in all of that. I believe that everything happens for a reason, each event in our lives molding us into the person God wants us to be. And just by looking at my family and friends, I know He places people in our lives to serve as angels to help push us along, and His timing is always impeccable.
Last but not least, I am a believer in true love. Although I have many questions, and sometimes feel as if real love is impossible to find anymore, I know it exists. And I have no doubt that one day everything will fall into place and I'll look into the eyes of the one I'm with and wonder why I ever worried in the first place. Corny, I know. So maybe I’m a little corny too.

I found this on one of my friends' myspace pages in their about me section. As I was reading over it, with slight tears, I had an epiphany. It is not about the love in which you find and keep in your lifetime, it is about the love you encounter.

Love can be many things. It can be an acquaintance that was just a passerby, giving you that much needed lift of the day. It can be that friend you can always call, no matter what time of day or night. It can be that friend that you rarely have the time to talk to, but no matter how long its been, you still pick up the conversation like it was yesterday. There's unconditional love, whether it be family, friends, or a significant other. 

As I sit and ponder of the many people I consider to fall under these categories, I dare to think of how I am considered in their eyes? I only ask this, because I do wonder if one would consider someone to be of another importance to them as they are to another?

As I am on my vacation in the beautiful state of Maine with one of my best friends from college, I was humbled by a statement by her 14 year brother saying to their mother, "Mom, its not about always having what you want, but wanting what you have." So mature, so precise, I thought. For a person like me, these types of things sink deeply into my heart and do not let go until they are poured onto something legible and in safekeeping. I often wonder if I am the only one who does this.

In the recent past, I have thought much about life, love and the path laid before me. Soul searching, if you will. If hindsight is 20/20, I am more than confident in my up and coming successes. Yet, I often wonder if it is the abnormal lifestyle I choose to live and the mindset to go with or if it is just something I possess that others simply dont. 

I am looking for followers and interested readers. I am looking for inspiration and positivity. I am looking for supporters and possible networking. Anyone want to join? Please let me know!

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