Wednesday, June 30, 2010


“A happy family is but an earlier heaven.”

When I come home, in its rarety, I am taught a lesson each time. Allowing yourself to be in the moment, and not thinking of your next move, is something that I have learned in my time away from home. I smile a little more often, I give thanks a little more and I am taken back to my roots; humbling and grounding me once again. As we move along in our lives, I have realized that it is too easy to lose sight of how important it is to be able to come home and give true appreciation. I am aware that not all of us are able to relate however, to those of us who can, I recommend giving yourself a few moments to go home and appreciate your family and friends.

I am once again reminded of the simplicities of life. Being from the country, I am exposed to a country way of living. What I mean is, sitting with the people you love the most on the front porch or stopping by an old friends house unannounced and being welcomed with open arms. I understand there are not many who are able to feel this type of gratification, but I do know one thing....

I am proud of my roots and thankful to have them close by.

"Family is heaven in a heartless world."

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